Melanie Jane Bond

Professional Software Developer

in Nashville, TN

Roadtrip stop in Grand Junction, Colorado at Knowels Overlook.

Python + Django + SQL + ReactJS + Bootstrap + Java + HTML + CSS + JavacScript

A soft-skill giant with a strong affection for analytics, I enjoy working with databases and designing, building, and sustaining beautiful web applications. My teammates tell me I am a conduit for effective cross-role communication, but, my favorite place to be at work is in the focus flow of building and editing code.

Other places I love to be are climbing rocks, and, writing, sewing or knitting in a woodshop while my partner builds furniture and sculpts art.

tel: 615 734 9981


The Chores Board - click the image for more details

The Chores Board was built in JavaScript, HTML and CSS using the React framework; it has a Json server database.

Get the Job Sauce App - click the image for more details

Get the Job Sauce was built in Python, HTML and CSS using the Django framework; it has a SQLite database.

Nutshell 1 - click the image for more details

Nutshell 1 was a group project built in JavaScript, HTML and CSS; Melanie wrote the Messages portion of this Community Meeting Place app.

Keahua Arboretum - click the image for more details

The Keahua Arboretum was a group project built in Python; we group-coded all of it, so, though team memebers names are on the lines
        they wrote, we were all watching and giving input as each individual typed out the logic.

Click to see my Git Hub Collection:

The Git Hub Icon


  • Technology Analyst for Accenture
  • Performed Tech Support for a Vaccine Administration organization (Salesforce CRM, March 2021-today).
  • Studied SF code base to prepare for the Platform Dev 1 certification (May 2021 - today).
  • Analyzed a Salesforce Helthcare CRM, made automation remediation recommendataions and wrote test scripts (Nov 2020-Feb 2021).
  • Achieved the Admin Certification (October 2020).
  • Resume for More Details
  • Preschool Teacher at High Hopes Development Center
  • Worked with the age group that experiences the most rapid growth in a single year.
  • Taught children who have very little language ability how to understand and communicate.
  • Focused on giving each child under my care the ability to become an independent being, to move toward happiness in stress, and to trust those who were taking care of them.
  • Website for High Hopes
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